Warning to reader (if there's any). My blog may not contain fairy tales where all the stories are sweet and nice. If you feel that you're going to puke because of the emotional journey and negativity of my blog, find another damn blog to read.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

confession in the dream

Sounds pathetic huh,? But it happened. Huhuu! To tell the truth, I hardly ever confessed on anything in my whole life. I found it hard to describe what I really feels in any occasion. Be it my travel experience, love, study difficulties, anything. Probably that's why I especially hate it when I am being asked about my feelings because I'm not pretty sure how to describe it well. The funny thing is I describe worst orally compared to in written form.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Tiba-tiba teringat pulak satu nasyid yang aku kena persembahkan kat dataran waktu sekolah rendah dulu. Apa yang pelik, kadang-kadang benda yang dah lama lupa boleh teringat balik. Benda yang sibuk nak diingat tak pulak masuk dalam otak.

Nasyid ni, kalau tak silap tajuknya Kembara. Aku cuba cari kat Youtube segala bagai, tak jumpa-jumpa pulak siapa yang nyanyikan lagu ni.

Bila google, guna lirik lagu, kebanyakan blog etc macam ada kaitan dengan bumi waqafan, Kolej Islam. Hah?

Aku belajar lagu ni bukan kat KI, tapi waktu kecik-kecik, sekolah rendah. Ajaib bagaimana tuhan mengatur hidup kan.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Menunduk atau mendongak

Untuk memotivasikan diri, orang macam mana yang perlu kita lihat:

1) orang yang lebih susah dari kita
2) orang yang lebih senang dari kita

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dear CD Games


Dalam seminggu atau dua minggu lepas, aku skype rumah. Cam bese, tanya khabar segala bagai.

Memang seronok. Yela, lagi2 kita duduk berjauhan. Tengok karenah masing-masing. Kirim itu ini yang aku macam talk to the hand la jawabnye, buat dengar tak dengar hahaa! Aku bukannye jenis suka shopping cari barang orang tapi sikit-sikit aku take note la ape yg diorang nak.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Ok, jadual dah keluar. Kira-kira tinggal sebulan je lagi. Tolak masa makan, tido, jalan, lepak, sembang..  cuaklak bila nak countdown ni. All the best to me.

Kali ni ada 6 paper je. Tak macam last year ade 7 paper. Kurang satu jela..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

card games

Haritu, pergi sambut besday member. Apa yang menariknya, aku belaja dua simple game nak main terup.
Huhuu, awesomeness.

1. Chase the ace
2. Cheat

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the full moon

I wish I can capture it's beauty in a better way :)
Unfortunately, no DSLR available
It's a full moon today. A clear bright one.
Almost forget how I used to admire the moon before.
How it used to be a source of strength and inspiration.
Perhaps, time eats away everything...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

of sea creatures and volcanoes in the ocean

I guess sharing in the blog does indeed help me to untie the knot of my problems. I can actually feel the troubles being lifted, away from my shoulders and knees. I feel sorry to any reader coz you have to read this shit.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


There are times when people search for meaning in this world. Some may find it, while others remain at a lost, and those who are lost are the vulnerable one.

Post Hangat!!!! lol ;p